Transformers: Dark of the Moon is a 2011 American science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay and based on the Transformers toy line. First released on June 23, 2011, it is the third installment of the live-action Transformers film series and the sequel to 2009's Revenge of the Fallen. The film's story is set three years after the events of the 2009 film, and follows the warring Autobots and Decepticons as they battle to possess powerful technology from their homeworld that had crashed on Earth's moon.
The film stars Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, John Turturro, Tyrese Gibson, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Patrick Dempsey, Kevin Dunn, Julie White, John Malkovich and Frances McDormand. The script was written by Ehren Kruger, who also collaborated on the narrative of Revenge of the Fallen. Dark of the Moon employed both regular 35mm filmcameras and specially-developed 3-D cameras, with filming locations in Chicago, Florida, Indiana, Milwaukee, Moscow, and Washington, D.C.. The film was rendered specifically for 3-D, and the visual effects involved more complex robots which took longer to render.
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